2010年11月25日 星期四

How to improve reading skill in English

I am not really good at reading yet. I have improved a lot since my first English novel, though.
I hope my tips for reading can help those who want to overcome the fear of reading in English.

First, find something you are interested in. I recommed novels. Of course, it's also good to read newspapers or magazines. However, I found it's more frustrating to read them. Why? In newspapers or magazines, every column is written by different people. Everyone has different ways to use words in those articles. Instead, you can learn to get used to the author's tone when you are reading a novel page by page. It's like reading Chinese books. Sometimes you will find that you like someone's books more than others. I think that one of the reasons is because you are used to or like the way that the author describes things.  In addition, they often use more difficult words in newspapers. John once told me that some less educated people in America don't even read newspapers. I have to say that words in Newsweek or Times are more difficult than newspapers. If you are a beginner, then don't let them defeat you at the beginning. Then what about magazines, like fashion,science or even gossip magazines ? Actually some of them are not hard to understand but othors are. Sometimes they use a lot of  slang in magazines. Knowing the slang is not a bad thing but it is unnecessary. Furthermore, if you don't know the slang they use, it will be difficult for you to understand, right? I believe that everyone has their own interests in novels. There are romatic, mystery, historical or autobiographic novels. When you read something you are really interested in, you will be able to focus on it easily.
Second, find an easy one at the beginning. Don't make yourself miserable while reading a novel. It should be relaxing. As for me, I read the ones with bigger letters and fewer pages at the beginning. My first English novel is Animal Farm by George Orwell. It is a classic story. Because the author wrote it in a fairy tale way, it's easy to understand. I had tried to read one of Dicken's novels, but it didn't turn out so well. Because I wanted to know the ending desperately, I bought the translated version to finish the story. I have to admit that it took me months to read that book. When you need months to finish a book, you won't feel good. So don't do that! Find one that you can understand to start with!
Last, don't look up new vocabularies while reading. Of course, you can look them up when you can't understand the outline of the story without knowing those words. However, most of the time, you can understand the whole story without looking them up. When I don't get the outline of a section at the first time I read it, I'll read it again. It's weird that you will understand more at the second time. It's true! You can try it. Additionally, try to guess the meaning of those new words. If you learn to guess, at the same time you are learning to overcome the fear of reading. Does that make sense to you?
I hope these suggestions can help! Happy reading!


