2010年11月30日 星期二

Fatherland by Robert Harris

最近剛看完Robert Harris的Fatherland,故事的背景是設定於如果納粹贏了第二次世界大戰,在1964年的柏林,正值全國準備盛大慶祝希特勒 75歲生日時期,同時美國總統Joseph Kennedy要前來拜訪, 警官Xavier March遇到一件離奇的謀殺案,當他越深入調查,他發現有國家高層官員涉入,並且他的發現將動搖整個國家的根本........
However this war may end, we have won the war against you; none of you will be left to bear witness, but even if someone were to survive, the world would not beleive him. There will perhaps be suspicions, discussions, research by historians, but there will be no certainties, because we will destroy the evidence together with you. And even if some proof should remain and some of you survive, people will say that the events you describe are too monstrous to be believed: they will say that they are the exaggerations of Allied propaganda and will believe us, who will deny everything, and not you. We will be the ones to dictate the history of the Lagers. ( SS Officer, quoted in "the Drowned and the Saved " by Primo Levi)
P.S.  "SS" 指的是黨衛隊

我看了兩本Robert Harris的書都有一種在看電影的感覺,之前看的是The Ghost Writer,我認為書的結局比電影(譯做:獵殺閃靈寫手)處理得好,Fatherland也有被改編成電影,是HBO的電影,已經是1994年的電影,太舊了,不知道租不租得到就是了

